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Calls to Action

Support Andria's reentry!


ARC member, Andria Banks, is scheduled to be released from Bay Correctional Facility in Florida in October, 2024!!!! We are raising re-entry funds for Andria's basic needs - housing, healthcare, hygiene and cosmetics - as Andria says, "a girl’s got to have her makeup!"

Healthcare for Ronnie!

Call and write

January 8, 2024

Call (404) 656-4661, send an email through the GDC web form, and send a letter to Assistant Commissioner Randy Sauls, 300 Patrol Road, Forsyth, GA 31029. Say you are calling/writing about Ronnie Fuller, 1150199, and that you are asking for a response to his requests for gender-affirming top surgery right away.

Safer housing for Miley!

Call and write

January 7, 2024

Call 724-852-2902 and ask to speak to the superintendent, then write Ask for Miley Fletcher (Eric Wolfgang BZ2211) to be transferred back to Block A, where she will be safer and less isolated.

End abuse against Niara!

Call and write

January 7, 2024

Call (814) 756-5778 and ask to speak to the superintendent, then write Ask for investigation and action to stop the assault and harassment against Ms. Niara Garcia (Herman Burton #KU1265). Also ask them to make sure that her doctor helps her get to the bottom of what is going on with her hormones.

March on DC for Gaza


January 6, 2024

ARC has endorsed the March for Gaza on January 13 at 1pm at the National Mall in DC. Check out the info on buses, and email us if you need masks.

Contact FDOC for trans healthcare!

Action: Calls

November 20, 2023

Rayne reports that she and other trans women at her facility are receiving medication that "grossly deviates from the dosage they were receiving in county jail and in the free world." The tiny dosages of estradiol they receive are not consistent with the standard of care and are woefully inadequate treatment. She's asking us to contact her facility and insist that trans women receive adequate hormone treatment consistent with the standard of care. Contact:, (407) 207-7777

Day 5: Send books

Week of Action: Share learning

October 26, 2023

ARC member Nadirah Ali has had to work hard to make sure that she and other Muslims–most of them Black women–can practice their faith in women’s prisons in Pennsylvania, often fighting restrictions on observing Ramadan or praying jummah. Right now she needs our help with donations to her facility’s religious library at SCI Muncy. It has almost no Islamic books aside from the Qur’an (and not even enough copies of that). We’ve teamed up with the Feminist Islamic Troublemakers of North America (FITNA) to create a wish list of emancipatory, woman-centered, and feminist Islamic books–please check it out and send whatever you can!

Day 3: Follow the money

Week of Action: Divest

October 24, 2023

Divest from companies profiting from borders, occupations, or prisons–and tell them why you’re doing it.

Day 3: Follow the money

Week of Action: Boycott

October 24, 2023

Avoid buying from companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine

Day 3: Follow the money

Week of Action: Calls

October 24, 2023

Call the companies funding, insuring, or working for Cop City, and tell them to drop their contracts.

Day 2: Contact the superintendent at SCI Greene

Week of Action: Calls

October 23, 2023

According to the reports of ARC member Miley Fletcher, SCI Greene, a men’s prison in Pennsylvania, is harassing and discriminating against trans women. Officers call them freaks, place them in solitary, skip them for meals, withhold basic supplies like sheets and towels, and otherwise make their lives hell. Call or write and insist they improve the treatment of trans women and feminine people! (724) 852-2902,,

Day 1: Contact Congress

Week of Action: Calls

October 22, 2023

Call and write the White House, your Senators, and your Representative and call on them to:
1) Support a ceasefire in Gaza;
2) Support anti-blockade measures to let food and medicine reach Armenians;
3) Reject any budget that includes anti-trans riders; and
4) Reject any slashes to funding for people living with HIV.

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